Motionly Digital

Web Development

Web design optimized for scalability


Want to see a successful digital marketing campaign in action?


Maximize your growth potential with our guaranteed services and experience the best results

Complete Front-to-Back Responsive Web Design Solution

From your navigation to the footer and page to page, the design of your website influences visitors' experience with your brand and their journey to purchase with your business. Even if you don't sell online. Whether you're running a real business, an e-commerce store or commerce services, your website is the first thing potential customers see. Let's get him working hard from front to back.

Our high-performance website design process.

Web design, development and online business - this is what we create for your brand using the refined process that allows us to use our technical skills in the best possible way.

Step 1


There aren't many businesses we talk to that don't currently have a website or a description. So we start with what you already have. Once we understand your problems, we can turn the page and move on to the second step of the process.

Step 2


An online store? Are you looking for professional email services associated with this? Maybe you need a platform to attract more customers to your business online. Whatever the summary, we create simple websites that are truly effective.

Step 3


It's time to put our web development company to good use. Here, we build our magic on everything we've gained from the brief, working as an experienced team of talented professionals. We will turn your big ideas into a big, bold reality.

Step 4


The job is far from finished. Now we're watching how it all performs. When something doesn't work as planned, we redirect, repair and optimize. After all, the worst thing you can do with your site is to go live and let it go stale.

We elevate your platform with web design

Ready to enhance your brand's online presence? Contact our web design experts today

Grow your site and sales.

Do you need to optimize the effectiveness of your existing website development capabilities or set up from scratch? Our web design agency will prepare you for success. Whether it's improving visual design, creating engaging content or getting potential customers to find you on Google, Motionly Digital is your first point of contact.

Web design services FAQs

We answer a few of the more common questions around web design & development. Anything you want to know that we haven’t covered here?

Web design refers  to the actual design and layout of your platform, rather than the software and functionality behind the site. 

How it looks, what content is available, the logos used, graphics, colours, fonts, copy and language etc. Basically, everything that the user sees. 

However, another component of web design also relates to how the site functions. Its layout, navigation and user interface.

Development is an extension of web solutions (like design), by taking this design and turning it into a fully functioning platform. Web development refers to the actual code, build, functionality and software that the site is built on.

At Motionly Digital, we offer web design Ankara and web development Ankara and have been doing so for over 10 years. We follow a simple 7-step process for the design and development of a website

  1. We begin with information gathering – what are the objectives of the site? 

  2. Next, we start the planning and design of the site. This is called wireframing. 

  3. Then the content is created (words, video, images etc) and assembled. 

  4. After this, the coding process can begin to make the website functional. 

  5. Now, the functional testing site is tested and reviewed. 

  6. It’s time to launch the site to the world. 

  7. Our final step is ongoing maintenance.

As a web design company with a full gamut of services, ongoing site maintenance is one of the most important elements. You’d never dress your shop window and leave it as is and the same goes for your website.

While some web design Ankara agencies, and digital agency experts don’t offer the same important final step, we feel that they are truly letting their clients down. 

How long is a piece of string? Like anything, you get what you pay for and websites can cost anywhere from $2000 to well above $20,000 for a complete build in Turkey. There are DIY options available, but if you want your website to be a tool that helps grow your business and serve your customers around the clock, you will need to make the investment so you can be better than your competition.

Simple sites that have minimal navigation and functionality, like a one-page site, or landing page, obviously don’t take as much design and development time. So, they are the cheapest to build. 

But other websites with multiple pages, and various functionalities take much longer. They are a real investment in time, effort and expertise and that’s what you pay for. The larger website builds can often involve ecommerce functionality, more complicated animations and transitions, plug-ins, apps and other third-party services that each add $$$ to the website build.

Yes, you can. But as they say, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. It is possible to create a website without spending any money, but that site will come with some serious restrictions. It all depends on how much you’re willing to compromise. And since your website plays such an important part in any business, the savings often end up being limitations. 

For example, a free website means you are not going to get a custom URL. Also, if you are using a free templated tool to create your site, they make their money by making you pay once you’re fully invested, to unlock a lot of the features that at Motionly Digital, we deem as necessary.

Features include the ability to have your own URL (which attracts an annual fee). If you want a responsive web design, there are often extra fees. If you want to make changes once your site is live, there will often be fees.

In short, if you need a professional, functional and updateable website for your business, there are going to be fees associated. So it’s best to see the professionals from the outset rather than trying to do it on the cheap, which ends up costing you more for something that isn’t ownable anyway. This is especially the case if you’re not sure how to tackle multiple websites or use a content management system.

Put simply, the web designer is the one that shapes how your site is going to look, where objects, assets and creative content are going to be placed, your logos, your colour scheme – everything about how your site looks. 

The web developer is the one that will place these assets into your site and make it functional. Think of building a house. An architect and a builder are needed. The architect tells the builder how it should look and the builder makes those plans a reality.

Additionally, they know how to use these creative solutions to benefit search engine optimisation, user experience and even another digital project you have going on. In essence, they should also work with your digital strategists to ensure cohesiveness.

This depends on your level of experience. There are many simple DIY, templated options that will allow you to create basic sites, even if you’re trying to create ecommerce websites or online stores. Wix, Squarespace and Square Online are a few of the more popular ones in turkey.

These are perfect for sole operators and businesses with a very small budget that just requires a very simple presence and nothing more. The more you learn about website development and coding, the more hands-on you can be when it comes to the development of your site.

And when you know more and understand how different websites better suit different businesses, you may find that a DIY site builder will not offer your new website enough of a unique online presence that shows off everything your business can do.

Templated sites are usually cheaper and quicker to put together, but they come with a few watchouts. Some of the negatives of a templated website from a DIY service are;

  • You can’t truly put your own personality onto your site. While you can upload a logo, you are limited in functionality, colours, layouts and features. 

  • You risk using the same templates as other websites (including your competitors). Much like buying a stock image from a stock library, anyone in the world can also buy that same image. 

  • Templated sites may not be search engine friendly and you will not be able to do any customisation. 

While a custom site takes more time and money to build, they will deliver much greater results in search engines, across all browsers and will include all of the features you want. It’s akin to the difference between buying and designing your own home to suit your own individual needs and wants, or buying a kit home in a housing estate where you are only able to choose from a limited amount of customisable options.

The scope of a web designer is enormous. They can help shape your entire brand including the creation of your logo and even your business name. They will design all of the content that goes on your website (which can also be included in other business assets). Whether you are an established business or starting from scratch, they will ensure all of your branding and messaging is clear in the design of your website.

First impressions are everything and your website is how you are going to instantly impact your audience. Think of your site as your digital shopfront. If you want to lure in traffic and turn site visitors into customers, your web design suddenly becomes your everything.

A professional web designer is going to be able to work with you and ensure all of the right messages and branding is present on your site, as well as take care of the aesthetic and user experience side of things. These efforts when combined will ensure your customers are met with a positive experience, they will enjoy using your site and either convert or come back again. Or better still, do both.

Here is the key thing you want to establish from the start, are they coming into the room telling you how to do things, or are they asking questions and listening to you? You want the latter, a company that is going to take the time to get to know you, your brand, your challenges and your goals and then bring in their skills, ideas and expertise to bring it to life.

At Motionly Digital, we’re your wingman in web development, Ankara. We listen more than we talk, and we never dive in until we have all the necessary details of how to make your site a success.

User experience is about more than just how your site looks, it is also how it performs. Developing your website is important to ensure that it is running and loading quickly and that the user experience is seamless. This development is done behind the scenes and involves coding to optimise and maintain every aspect of your website. 

Our web development experts are standing by to get started on optimising your website.

There are many great tools and educational content available for people of all skill levels. These can assist in learning how to code, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby and Responsive Design. They can also help you use content management systems or learn about the latest web technologies. There are also sites that can link you to web design Ankara experts that you can employ for your project. (Us.)

Beautiful web design starts with our chart.

So you’re thinking about web design. Well, lucky for you, you’ve landed in the right place. At Motionly Digital, we’ve been designing these for longer than we can remember, which means we know a thing or two about how to make them convert.

Gone are the days when online businesses can leave their website conversion to chance. At Motionly Digital, we have over a decade in the business of making our client’s websites more profitable, more efficient, more user friendly and more aesthetically pleasing. We’re a web design agency that knows how to turn web traffic into warm leads. And warm leads into sales. And customers into loyal advocates for your business. 

So, let’s get started with an X-Chart, tailored to how big you want to grow. An X-Chart shows you the sales our website development company forecasts for your business over 3-, 6- and 12-month periods.

With just a 30-minute consultation to help us understand your business and your needs, we’ll put together a tailored sales forecast based on web traffic that we can guarantee. Because it’s based on our tried-and-true experience of delivering revenue for the business, our X-Chart promises guaranteed profit. 

The web design services from our Ankara headquarters deliver optimal performance. That’s because we know it means more than looking good, having a nice logo, featuring interesting graphics and some well-written headlines.

Any good web development agency also knows that the way the site functions, loads, and flows, are just as, if not even more important. The load time, the architecture and the website’s UX all need to be mapped out, planned, tested, tweaked, implemented and quality assured to ensure the site performs as it should. Not just for the business, but for the visitor. A well-designed site helps build trust, clearly guides the user through to the next action step and is an easy-to-use destination.

There are a number of simple principles when designing a website that at Motionly Digital, our digital marketing experts hold dear.

  • A Clear Intent – Knowing the purpose of the website, and giving each page a singular focus of intent, helps your site visitors know what they’ll find, and where. While many sites have many different intentions, almost every website has a few things in common. This includes a description of the owner’s expertise. The ability to clearly build websites that relay the brand’s reputation is tricky, with the overall intent remaining to drive leads. And finally to convert those leads and nurture the customer, post-purchase.

  • Visual Simplicity – Ensuring your site is not only on brand but self-sufficient, relies on a series of decisions to be made about the colours, fonts and visuals that your site will house. Using your brand’s colour palette is a given, however, pairing that palette back to maintain a more refined appearance online is often helpful. You don’t want too many colours on one page. Web fonts can also help keep your site on brand and again, streamlining all your brand’s fonts is helpful for an aesthetically pleasing site experience. Usually, no more than 3 different fonts are needed. Then imagery, in the shape of video, photography, illustration or animation will complete the trifecta of your brand’s visual website appearance. As they are in specific content, only relevant, timely, and expressive visuals should be used to avoid miscommunication, rework and confusion on the part of the user.

  • Intuitive Navigation – The way your visitors navigate their way through your site needs to be seamless, foolproof and intuitive. If it’s not, you run the serious risk of visitors dropping off through confusion and frustration, or losing trust in their journey and finding another site that does meet their expectations.

  • Flow Patterns – Just like when you read a book, you start at the top left and work your way to the right, and then down and to the right again. Our creative agency understands this flow, and arranges content accordingly to suit the natural habits of a reader’s eye pattern. To help with the flow of information is the need to give a visual hierarchy to various elements on the page. Design tools like size, colour, typography or movement can all distinguish an important header, to a less important piece of copy. Or a call to action button to a caption under a visual. Understanding these hierarchical elements will help guide the reader’s eye to where we want them to be.

  • Relevant Content – Knowing what your visitors want to know and when in their journey they seek that information will help nudge them towards a sale. Compelling content with eye-catching headings, detailed copy and attractive visual stimulus is paramount.

  • A Grid Structure – Users have been conditioned to view most web content in a simple grid format. It helps compartmentalise the information into bite-sized sections, but also keep the content clean in well organised blocks. The grid allows for animation which in turn can help with load times. As a slow to load page will result in drop offs in traffic. Loading the on-screen grids as they appear can take some of the pressure off the entire page’s load time.

  • Mobile First – Depending on your industry and product/service, chances are your customers will first access your site through a mobile device. If your site isn’t mobile friendly, those customers will be lost before you even had a chance to impress them. Responsive web design will ensure that your site is optimised no matter what screen the viewer is looking at it on. And your images, titles, copy and animations will all work in a way they should, regardless of screen size.

Investing in web development is crucial for your site’s online success. And that doesn’t mean spending millions. It just means using the best web development Ankara has to offer. At Motionly Digital we understand the pay off between the right amount of multimedia video, slide shows and photography, and when those tools start to slow down

your page loading time. We know how to optimise your SEO keywords so your site shows up on Google’s first page of results. And we understand page navigation to constantly move your cold leads to converted sales, time and time again. We’re not in this game to make a quick buck. If we were, we wouldn’t have lasted this long and have such a long list of satisfied clients. We offer responsive web design services with web development Ankara experts who are passionate about delivering consistent ROI to businesses like yours. 

Boost your business with effective digital solutions crafted by us

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